Last updated : 10月 20, 2024 @ 07:09
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KEIO P.E. was established on 2009 by Japanese Professional Engineers from Keio University.

―― Science , Technology and Engineering inclusive of practical mechanics , medical technology , economic science , analytical chemistry ,with confidence in our professional careers.

慶應技術士会は、技術士・技術士補 (二次試験合格者・修習技術者を含む) の慶應義塾大学卒業生をメンバー として活動しています。会の活動には、技術士を志す学生の参加も歓迎します。
  1. 技術士業務の普及促進 ― Promotion and Proceeding in the business of Japanese P.E.
  2. 会員相互の啓発と親睦 ―  Enlightenment and Friendship within members of KEIO P.E.
  3. 慶應義塾大学との連携 ―  Collaboration with KEIO University in educational action.
